Hiking in the Heat

How heat impacts Your Timp hike

  • There's not a lot of shade on either trail
  • It's a 14+ mile hike with a lot of uphill distance
  • The risks: dehydration, heat related illnesses, & sunburn
  • Be prepared & you can beat the heat!

How to help prevent dehydration

START hydrated

Get plenty of fluids the day before your hike (avoid caffeine & alcohol)

STAY hydrated

Drink regularly on your hike. Bring enough water/fluids for the whole trip.

Bring enough water

We recommend a minimum of 3 liters per hiker.
Get More Info About Water

Bring electrolytes

We recommend 1,000-2,000 mg of sodium per hiker.

Protect your skin from the sun

Wear lightweight clothing. Apply sunscreen and reapply according to the package instructions.

Know the danger signs

Be aware of the symptoms of dehydration & heat-related illness

Heat risk: Heat exhaustion and heat stroke

Learn what they look like and what to do if someone has symptoms in the graphic below

CDC graphic about heat exhaustion and heat stroke