Take only photos, leave only footprintsFollow these Leave No Trace principles to help protect the beauty of Mt. Timpanogos.
Plan ahead & prepare
- Before you hit the trail, make sure you're ready for the journey.
- Check weather conditions
- Carry the 10 essentials
- Know the regulations for Timpanogos
Learn about the 10 essentials
Important Timp regulations
NO campfires year round

Never pick wildflowersLearn more

No drones in wildernessLearn more

Pack out all of your trash
- Including all food scraps including pits and peels.
- Consider bringing an extra bag to carry any trash you may find along the trail.
- Be prepared to bring your trash home with you in case trailhead trash cans are full or not available.
- Deposit solid human waste in catholes dug 6-8 inches deep at least 200 feet from water, camp, and trails. Cover and disguise the cathole when finished.
Respect wildlife
- You are in their home - be respectful!
- You may encounter moose, deer, mountain goats, pika, big horn sheep, squirrels - disturb them as little as possible during your visit.
- Watch from a distance. Do not follow or approach them.
- Never feed animals. It is bad for their health and changes their natural behaviors.
- Control your dogs at all times, or leave them at home.
Learn more about wildlife on Timp
Leave what you find
- Leave rocks, plants, wildflowers, and other natural objects where you find them.
- Never pick wildflowers.
- Do not damage live trees or plants with things like nails or by carving into them.
Learn more about never picking wildflowers
Stick to trails and "overnight right"
- Stay on to designated trails to stop erosion.
- Never shortcut switchbacks.
- Keep campsites small. Focus activity in areas where vegetation is absent.
- Concentrate use on existing trails and campsites and clean up your area when you're done.
Be considerate of others
- Silence your speakers - never play music out loud on any device
- Use good trail etiquette - yield to uphill hikers
- Take breaks and camp away from trails and others