Many moose make American Fork Canyon and the Mount Timpanogos Wilderness their home.

Important information about moose

Mama moose can be aggressive
female moose with two calves following her
Especially in spring when they have calves
Male moose can also be aggressive
large male moose
Especially in the fall during mating season
They can run up to 35 mph
animated running moose
That means you can't outrun them!
These signs mean they might get aggressive
  • Lowering their head
  • Hair standing up on the neck
  • Licking their snout
  • Pinning their ears back

If you encounter a moose

Give it plenty of space
a red arrow in the center of the image portrays distance
Back off if it shows signs of aggression
Stay calm, talk, and slowly back away
calm emoji, talking head emoji and a stick figure backing away
If charged or chased, hide behind something solid like a tree
icons show a person behind a tree with a moose on the other side

If knocked down, roll into a ball, protect your head, and lie still until it leaves.

Stick figure crouched on ground covering head

Moose view dogs as enemies

Keep your dog leashed
icon shows a dog on a leash
Never let your dog chase or harass moose