What to Bring

How what you do (or don't) bring impacts your Timp hike

  • Nature is unpredictable & you may find yourself in an emergency situation
  • You need to be prepared to prevent & treat injuries
  • Always pack these 10 items - they are essential to your survival if things go wrong
  • Rescue can take hours - these items can help protect you while rescuers get to you

The Ten Essentials

  • When hiking you are responsible for your own safety, and any one of these ten items may help to save your life


Icon shows a bottle of water
We've got more info about how important enough water is here 


Icon shows a jacket and gloves
Extra clothes for the coldest weather possible

Navigation tools

icon shows a map and a compass
If you're using your phone, bring a portable charger


Icon shows a headlamp
Headlamp or flashlight (not your phone flashlight!)

First aid kit

Icon shows a first aid kit
Make your own or buy a pre-packed one


Icon shows an apple, some almonds, a snack mix, and two protein bars
You need fuel to keep going, more so in case of an emergency

Sun protection

Icon shows a bottle with SPF on it, sunglasses, and a hat
Sun block, sunglasses, hat

Tools & repair kit

Icon shows a Swiss army knife and a roll of duct tape
Multi tool, knife, small roll of duct tape


Icon shows matches and a lighter
Waterproof matches, lighter in case you need heat in an emergency

Emergency shelter

icon shows a sleeping bag
Emergency bivvy - insulated usually mylar bag, packs down to the size of a can of soda. Helps prevent loss of body heat.