
How wildlife impacts your Timp hike

  • You are in their home - be respectful!
  • You may encounter moose, deer, mountain goats, pika, big horn sheep, squirrels - disturb them as little as possible during your visit.
  • Watch from a distance. Do not follow or approach them.
  • Never feed animals. It is bad for their health and changes their natural behaviors.
  • Control your dogs at all times, or leave them at home.

Select an animal to learn more!

There are many more animals in the Timpanogos Wilderness - these are just the ones you need to know how to avoid having a negative encounter with.


Did you know they can run 35 mph?
Learn more about moose
Image shows an animated goat

Mountain Goats

You'll see these goats right next to the trail
Get info on the goats
animated mountain lion

Mountain Lions

You might not see them, but they see you
How to safely hike in cougar country